Hypnotique Protocol
Soul Retrieval

The Sacred Art of Soul Restoration

  • An extraordinary enlightening systematic healing process of empowerment. Combining the art of Hypnosis and the journey of Soul Retrieval for a deep and transformative experience of wholeness, love, and life.

    Hypnotique Protocol Soul Retrieval is a safe, deep, profound and life-changing experience. If I had a wish, it would be that everyone has the chance to experience at least one complete round of these healing rituals. It is an honour and great joy for me to guide another through this incredible transformational soul led healing journey.

  • “The soul can lose or give away its power, or vital pieces of itself as a result of life experiences that range from ordinary everyday occurrences to traumatic, or more challenging life events.   

    When we experience soul loss, we can feel a part of us missing.  Something is missing, something is wrong, something is off track or off course.   It can be a feeling of being trapped, blocked, stuck or lost at a deep inner level.  We can feel like parts of us are fading away or disappearing.   We can feel like we are in pieces or fragmented. 

    It can feel like we are blocked or stuck at a threshold and cant move forward beyond old limiting realities or cross over to a new experienceT.

    he Hypnotique Protocol is the work of reclaiming the treasures which we lost, misplaced or gave away.  It is the work of healing the split with your own inner divinity, of healing the split with the cosmos in order that we may be whole unto ourselves once again..